There are several ways to go about car repairs. You can take it to a shop, or do it yourself. And if you do it yourself, you can do it alone, or call in more knowledgeable reinforcements. Such as I did last night.
I’ll say this about German cars.. They make them hard as hell to work on. Bolts in weird places, everything all cramped together, and rare and pricey parts. Working on that damn thing just makes me want to get rid of it all the more. (Anyone looking for a good deal on an Audi station wagon?)
The process was not helped by the fact that the hydraulic lock that holds the hood up failed. Thankfully, a switch rod tube was just about the perfect size.
What should have been a 15 minute process turned into several hours, as it always does. Afterwards, beer and dinner was needed. Two plates of cheap ass mexican food and several Pacificos later, we were feeling better.
Beer and car repairs go hand in hand. However, during the actual repair segment try not to drink too many. It’ll cause more problems than it solves.