Get Fired. Eat Beans. Go Fish.

by Jake McGlothlin on February 19, 2013

in Local's Prerogative

During a conversation today with Shane about my upcoming career change, he said something that stuck with me: “Well.  Get fired.  Eat beans.  Go fish.”.  We recently were told we had a reasonably good chance of keeping our jobs with the new company that is taking over, but my chances were dashed today after a visit from the new corporate guys.  (Having more managers than there are open positions and being low man on the totem pole can be a bitch sometimes).

His comment made me think.  Getting terminated does open up a lot of time to fish.  And beans are really cheap…  It’s amazing what a little ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and brown sugar can do to a can of pork ‘n beans.  By living lean for a while at least, I could get a lot of time on the water in.  And it would afford me the freedom to focus on other things.


Fishermen are an adaptive people.  They can handle situations and problems that most people would never be able to.  With a shrug of the shoulders and time on the water, life goes on and gets better. So get fired, eat beans, and go fish.

And to a certain corporate manager who hassled me about my Orvis cap today: Kiss my ass.