Green River / Flaming Gorge Pipeline Stumbles (But Ain’t Dead Yet)

by Mark McGlothlin on January 31, 2013

in Water Worth Saving


Several of us are big fans of the Green River; Quinn and I favor the trout heaven below Flaming Gorge while Fire Girl Jess currently lives a stones throw from the upper Green (in relative Wyoming terms anyway).

Brett Prettyman (Salt Lake Tribune) wrote yesterday here that the Colorado Water Conservation Board voted Tuesday to end funding for the Flaming Gorge Task Force. His article has some nifty links for those who need to know more.

The CWCB was the state agency responsible for reviewing the idiotic plan of Fort Collins based Aaron Million to steal 81 million gallons of water annually from the Green River watershed to supply Colorado’s Front Range.

The project isn’t dead but it’s nice to see wildly inappropriate concepts like this one stumble once and a while.