The day has dawned pleasantly chilly in Bozeman this morning; it’s 33 and calm with a forecast calling for snow showers in the mid and high country today.
Like friend Winston said a few days ago, choosing a fishing destination today is somewhat of a champagne problem.
The week appears to be one that will deliver a blast of early winter to Montana, at least the western third; there’s snow in the forecast for most of the week here with cold enough temps due to demand a more serious approach to staying warm on or in the water.
One nifty thing about fishing this time of year is that rarely does one benefit from being on the water at the crack of dawn. These are days for two cups of strong coffee and a stick-to-your-ribs breakfasts before a leisurely drive to the water(s) of the day.
There is a lot of water fishing fairly well within a two-hour drive of Bozeman right now; even though the northwest corner of the Park has been very busy, I think we’re probably headed to the Firehole today as this year will very likely not allow another shot.
Pending the final shakeout on this week’s weather, tomorrow and perhaps Wednesday we’ll be on the Missouri, which has been fishing very, very well of late.
She Who Must Be Obeyed and I have been nothing short of dumbfounded at how great it feels to be back home in Montana once again. We all have places that just feel like home, dammit, and Montana is ours. SWMBO would move back to the Flathead this afternoon…….