Early Weekends

by Jake McGlothlin on September 26, 2012

in Local's Prerogative

When you have plans for your weekend, all you can think about on your Friday are those plans.  The clock slows down, and each hour lasts longer than the one before. Finally, that blissful moment arrives and you can clock out.


A lot of folks like to sleep in on their weekends, take it easy around the house, and just relax.  Pssh, screw that.  Fishermen know the value of a day off, and they damn sure know how to take advantage of it.  They are the people up at 4am after a long work week, the ones who stay out all day long, and squeeze the very most out of each precious day spent outdoors.

Life is too short to not seize the day.  Live it up.  And be thankful that we all enjoy something that gets us out into the sunshine, away from all the worries and frustrations.  That’s something to raise a glass to.