Sometimes You’ve Just Got To Do It

by Jake McGlothlin on September 18, 2012

in Damn!

There are several very good reasons to kill and eat a fish.  First and foremost would be food. When you are broke ass poor like me, food doesn’t come cheap.  I’ve been living on ramen noodles for two weeks and some fresh meat sure sounds good.

Another great reason is fishery management.  Take the lake trout situation in Yellowstone Lake.  Or some small beaver pond or creek that is overrun with brook trout.  Sometimes you have to thin the numbers of one species so that others can thrive.

But sometimes you’ve just got to do it.  Whatever reasons you have, whatever the situation is, sometimes you’ve just got to do it.

Food you get yourself just tastes better anyway.  Being able to provide your own dinner is a damn good feeling.

(Photo by Jess McGlothlin)