Thirsty Thursday: Ice Cold Beer

by Jake McGlothlin on August 16, 2012

in Thirsty Thursday

Last night, as the wonderfully chilly weather continued here in Bozeman, I had prepared a recipe for today’s Thirsty Thursday that had definite fall hints to it.  Not really a drink you would want to enjoy in the summertime.  I had every intention of posting it, until I woke up today and realized that it was sunny and already warming back up. So I exchanged it for this.

Ice cold beer is a year round staple, but particularly good in the summer.  As this is the Saturday of my weekend after a shitty 8-day stretch at the store, you can bet your ass I’ll be having some.

Here’s what you do:

At least 1 six pack beer (PBR, Salmon Fly, Moose Drool, whatever)

1 refrigerator

Put beer in fridge.  Wait until it is ice cold.  Drink.  Repeat.  If you are feeling fancy, put a glass in the freezer while your beer chills.

Enjoy.  I’m out of here.. There is a high mountain lake with my name on it.