Put a Camera in the Hands of a Fly Fisherman and Unconventional Things Happen

by Mark McGlothlin on July 1, 2012

in Photography

Put a camera in the hands of a fly fisherman and sometimes unconventional images result.

Lots of us spend time toting cameras of all shapes and sizes out on the water to record for posterity adventures sustained and fish caught.

Imagine the hundreds of thousands of digital snaps that will be taken this summer….imagine how many won’t capture the moment the way you remember it. Imagine how many trophy poses will be taken striving to make that 8 inch beauty look like a leviathan.

We’re working on a round up of photographic tips, tricks, hints and general words of wisdom from fly fishers everywhere to help you capture the best on the water images you can.

Have a great tip to share? As proven by the image above (taken this week on the East Gallatin) we’re open to the unconventional approach.

(No fish or fishers were harmed in the production of this post.)