Quick Run to the Olympic Peninsula with Fire Girl Jess…

by Mark McGlothlin on May 7, 2012

in Olympic Peninsula

Jess is in town for a few days before heading off to the PRC ‘s Ryobaga Camp on the Kola Peninsula. Considering the facts that the day dawned for all intents and purposes cloudless and She Who Must Be Obeyed had the household up very early for a work project she’s managing, we decided to make a quick run out to ONP as Jess had never wandered the neighborhood. Damn the desk work; sunny days wait for neither man nor woman.

[Desk work, as critical as it might be allowing most of us to pay bills, eat and travel to favorite fishing locales, will get done this afternoon and evening. While driving we worked through a passel of last minute equipment, tech and gear issues that are part of spending the next five months about the Arctic Circle and two hours by helicopter from the nearest town.]

We scouted some locations for prime light, gawked at some damned pretty rivers and enjoyed a bit of sun in the Northwest.

As often happens when on the road in beautiful country, I had one of those epiphanies regarding Quinn’s recent post regarding dams and something that Ted Williams wrote a few months back in some fly fishing mag – the specific source of which still escapes me at this point. More to come……