Pic of the Day: Sunset at Davis Pond

by Jake McGlothlin on April 24, 2012

in Pic of the Day

As Mark said yesterday, sometimes the view ain’t so bad.  After a long week at work, all I wanted to do on my Friday night (which is Monday night on the calendar, but welcome to retail!) was go fishing. I opted for nearby Davis Pond, a body of water that I maintain has it out for me.  Last time I was out there a 20-inch football of a rainbow calmly sat less than a rod length from my feet, flipping me the fish equivalent of the bird and probably commenting snidely about my casting abilities.  Last night marked the third time in a row I haven’t pulled any fish out of that damn pond.

Just as my frustration was reaching boiling point, the sun started to go down amongst the storm clouds that had hung around all day.  The resulting light washed all my frustrations away and left me feeling a whole lot better.

Yep, sometimes the view ain’t so bad.