Anticipating Spring: Two Nifty Spring Posts…..

by Mark McGlothlin on March 16, 2011

in The Pedestrian Life

It’s mid-march, there’s pretty much a week of rain and snow forecast for the home country, and fishy minds are starting to count the days until spring.

Two exceptional posts you need to read (if you haven’t already) will sharpen your anticipation of spring to come.

From In the Back Eddy – The Promise of Spring

Unlike the basement of winter, hope in spring seems eternal. An entire season is spread out before you like a buffet at a local eatery. Trip ideas that were mere fragments–so many pipe dreams–are now close enough to see clearly….

From Buster – The Waiting is the Hardest Part

“It won’t be long now. The robins are back, the jays are back, hell, even the little tweetybirds are flyin’ around my place. The snow is gonna melt soon, then it’s game on…”

The waiting game is never easy to play, but when it drags on for nearly 6 months like it does here in Northern SouthEast, it gets downright unbearable. As it turns out, there IS a limit to the number of flies a fella can tie in anticipation for an upcoming season.

“S’posed to rain next week – that’ll get ‘em moving…yeah, I know it isn’t May yet, but there’s bound to be a few fish off of Lucky Creek, just waitin’ for a bump.”

The lies we tell ourselves as we wait get more and more complex as the season of the cold drags on, forming a web of self-deceit in which we cloak ourselves against the ugly truth – we won’t be fishing anytime soon unless we go someplace warmer. This happens occasionally, but is a costly relief valve. The relief and soul-feeding comes at a high monetary price, but by mid-February it is worth every single penny….

Both are well worth your time today.