San Juan Worm

Worm #600ish something from chroniclesofcod on Vimeo. Quick tie; I’ve been using a Norvise for about 10 years and after getting used to it, would probably never go back to a conventional vise again.

I just had the pleasure of returning to my office here in Bozeman after a spirited lunch with several friends.  Lunch was good (shrimp poor boy at our local Cajun eatery); the argument was way better.  (As a matter of principle that’s not my sandwich above – I was too distracted by the proceedings to […]

I was in a local fly shop the other day when I overheard a customer going off about San Juan Worms.  “Anyone who fishes those is little more than a glorified bait fisherman!”  I heard the man say.  The clerk looked rather overwhelmed, as if not sure what to say.  I just shook my head.  […]