Loving the Greater Yellowstone to Death

by Mark McGlothlin on October 1, 2017

in Inquiring Minds Want to Know


Some folks insist that what is probably the most unique ecosystem in the Lower Forty-Eight, and one of the most precious on the planet – the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem – is being threatened by those flocking to its border communities (Bozeman being the most glaring, and most unfortunate, poster child of that lot).

Todd Wilkinson hammered out some sobering details in this impressive piece about three weeks ago in the Mountain Journal (their image as well).

Looking to live in a nifty, fishy, Western mountain town? They’re out there, but you’ll need to do some crafty exploring. It sure as hell isn’t Bozeman these days…


After quick chats with a couple of Western-based fly fishing compadres this morning, they’ve argued quite convincingly that if you’re looking for a great Northern Rockies fishing town, Bozeman is THE PLACE to move to. (If Brigham had seen Bozeman vs. the Salt Lake Valley, he’d have uttered those famous words up there…).

Despite what you might hear, housing is damned affordable, property taxes are low, the infrastructure is up to date with capacity to spare, and the second high school they just voted in will be uber-state of of the art and lack nothing your offspring could ever need educationally (and they promised that property tax levy to pay for the new school would come down pretty quickly). To sweeten that deal, the cost of living is surprisingly low and with the projected climate warming upcoming, those pesky winters will be easy-peasy.

I hate being wrong about something, but dammit, sometimes you just have to step up and admit it.