Seasons of Change

by Jake McGlothlin on November 2, 2015

in Local's Prerogative

Fall is a time of changes.  Leaves change, the weather changes, we all know the drill.  I’m excited to announce a change of my own.  I will no longer be working at the fly shop.  An opportunity has come up over the past couple of weeks that I simply couldn’t turn down.

For pretty much my entire working life I have been in retail.  Working weekends, holidays, odd hours, dealing with all kinds of people (good and bad) and all the baggage that goes along with it has become a normal part of my daily routine.  Going away from that to a regular 9-5 Monday through Friday kind of job is definitely going to be an adjustment.

No more crazy questions.  No more being asked what is working on the Gallatin every five minutes in the summer.  No more being treated like a lower class citizen because I work in the service industry.  No more casting rods on slow afternoons and tying flies at work in the winter.

Working in a fly shop has taught me more about fly fishing and the industry than I could have learned in a long time otherwise.  I have met and worked with some very fine people, some of whom will remain life long friends.  It has opened my eyes to things I wouldn’t have otherwise realized or thought about.  There will be a lot I will miss about it.

But new opportunities arise and life moves forward.  Through my new job I’ll still be working within the industry in a way, just not on the consumer end.  I’m pleased to say I’m starting at local company Seacat Creative this morning.  For the time being I’ll be doing a lot of social media marketing, which is right up my alley.  New things are always exciting.

Cheers to everyone who has been a part of my life at The Bozeman Angler.  It’s been real.
