American Rivers has just released this morning their annual ranking of the most endangered rivers in America.
That’s their map graphic above and a very special piece of artwork below detailing concerns about the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon – AR’s most endangered American river this year.
Count us among those who feel that the mining threat looming over the headwaters of the Smith hasn’t received enough coverage thus far, even with consistent efforts by some Montana river denizens and Montana TU (even our own Fire Girl Jess has published a piece about it). We’re grateful to see the Smith included on AR’s list this year.
Here are some links you’ll want to dig through at some point –
The main report: America’s Most Endangered Rivers 2015
The Colorado in the Grand Canyon report
While the Smith falls within our ‘home water’ jurisdiction, we remain incredulous at the plans being discussed to place a tram(s) down to the Grand Canyon floor near the confluence, an asinine proposal of colossal proportion.
More to come.
And we’d urge everybody to pick two waterways off the list, reach out, get involved and make a difference.
Images from American Rivers.