Occupy Skagit Protest Kicks Off at 9 This Morning

by Mark McGlothlin on April 4, 2015

in Steelhead


From Occupy Skagit’s FB page –

A gathering on the Skagit River at 9AM, Saturday, April 4th in support of restoring the C&R season. The activity will involve a “Wade-In” without hooks at Howard Miller Steelhead Park, the most visible place on the Skagit/Sauk.

This is Wade-In will not disrupt traffic, be violent, disrespectful, trespass, harass, or engage in illegal activity of any kind…you know, just like when you go fishing.

This is a parallel action to mesh with attendance at the WDFW Commissioners Meeting the following week, April 10 in Olympia.

Mark Yusa (Seattle Times) and the Wild Steelhead Coalition weigh in. All unicorn hunters within driving distance should invest their morning in support.

More here.