Where’s The Fall Weather?

by Jake McGlothlin on September 23, 2014

in Local's Prerogative


This picture was taken last October, during a great fishing trip with friend Ethan Markie.  It was one of those trips that sticks with you even though the fishing wasn’t all that great.  There is something really special about being the only ones on the water during a raging snow storm.  Not too many things and places more peaceful than that..

Daytime temps here in Bozeman have been bumping up into the 80s almost every day this week with no break in sight.  Not quite late September weather, but it’s bound to change at some point.  You can always tell if someone just moved here if they are raving about the nice weather this time of year and hoping it stays this way for a while.  As for me, I’m dreaming of cloudy, rainy, snowy, chilly weather and being out in the midst of it chasing big fish.

It’ll be here soon enough.