Friday Feast: Popeyes

by Jake McGlothlin on July 11, 2014

in Friday Feast

As Mark is currently engaged in driving across the nation, I have taken it upon myself to provide this week’s Friday Feast.  This week’s meal is not quite the bountiful repasts that Mark usually provides though.  Welcome to the world of the broke ass mid-20 year old.


The Popeye is a damn simple dish, but one of those that can be eaten as breakfast, lunch or dinner.  And when you do it right, it is pretty damn cheap too.  As a single guy living off a reasonably tight budget, it is hard to get very inspired to cook a lot.  Sure, the occasional nice meal is always a plus, but the day to day situation is largely one of drudgery.  I have a tendency to fall into a habit of buying ingredients for one thing, and making that for every meal until I run out of something, then switch it up.

Popeye’s are a great single man meal.  Growing up this was always a favorite breakfast, and it has stayed with me throughout the years.  Here’s how you do it:

2 eggs
2 pieces cheap ass bread.  Bonus points if it’s Wonder Bread
Johnny’s Seasoned Salt
Hot sauce

Throw some butter in a pan and turn the burner to medium heat.  While that is melting, get a glass or a biscuit cutter and cut out a hole in the middle of the piece of bread.  Save the cut out (Popeye’s hat) and butter one side of it and one side of the bread.  Once the butter is melted, place the two pieces of bread and the two “hats” in the pan and crack an egg into the hole.  Sprinkle liberally with Johnny’s.  Once the bottom sets, flip over and sprinkle with seasoned salt again.  You’ll want to cook these long enough to cook the egg, but not so long that it sets the yolk.  Pull from the pan, douse with your favorite hot sauce and enjoy.  Extra gnar points if you eat it right out of the pan, using the spatula as a fork.  Welcome to the single life…

Cheap.  Greasy.  Good.  It’s perfect.  You’ll want your yolk runny so you can sop it up with the bread.

Whether you are eating this out of the necessity of it being cheap, or just savoring the goodness I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy it.