Thirsty Thursday: Blanton’s Original Single Barrel Bourbon

by Jake McGlothlin on June 26, 2014

in Thirsty Thursday

You know that it’s going to be a good day on the water when you are out fishing with your friends.  Even more so when you are fishing hallowed water like the Railroad Ranch on the Henry’s Fork.  And even more so when a bottle of fine bourbon gets passed around while you are gearing up.

The bourbon in this case was Blanton’s Original Single Barrel.  Admittedly, my knowledge of bourbon ends at about Jim Beam, so I didn’t really think much of it until the oohs and ahhs started to come from the group.  Getting a taste, I could see why.


I wish I had the words to describe it, but I am sadly lacking.  It went down damn smooth, and is without a doubt the finest bourbon I have ever tasted.  It certainly set the tone for the day.  (More on the trip later).

Drinking fine bourbon on a fishing trip is a nice break from the cheap beer that Shane and I can usually afford.  Make’s life feel a little luxurious.
