The Vermont Chronicles 15 June: Gone Bassin’

by Jess McGlothlin on June 15, 2014

in The Vermont Chronicles


The adventures continue. With busy—and exciting—things afoot in the creative world, it’s been hard to tear away from the business world and get some thinking time.

VC_Bass_3So, when fellow Orvis Rod & Tackle-ites Chrissy and Tyler called last Friday night and asked if I’d be interested in chasing smallmouth bass the following morning, the answer didn’t take a whole lot of thinking.

It was a whole new species, and after the recent adventure with striped bass on the coast, I was down to practice my “lipping” within the bass family.

We borrowed a modified sled from Orvis’ Simon, who formerly guided in Montana. The sled has a modified poling platform in the back, and is a pretty sweet ride. After a quick drive up to Somerset Reservoir, we got in the water and started a breezy day on the water.

Chrissy landed the first smallmouth of the day, and more and more made their way to the boat as the day progressed. Pounding the banks with streamers is arguably one of the best ways to spend a day, regardless of the prey.

The bass gave surprisingly good fight despite their size, and with a dozen in the boat by the end of the day it was certainly the “brain off” time I’ve been needing.

Friends, boats, rods, flies… add water and it’s the recipe for something awesome.

By the time this post goes live Sunday morning, I’ll be flying West on my way to run the Orvis fly-fishing photo shoot this year. The action is taking place back on the Missouri River; seriously looking forward to some time on home waters once more, and seeing my Craig family again.

Hope everyone is out chasing fish of one sort or another on this Father’s Day!
