Chi Wulff’s Friday Feast 14 February: Figs with Bacon and Goat Cheese

by Mark McGlothlin on February 14, 2014

in Friday Feast


While most fly fishers I’ve know over the years are not in the least prone to displays of maudlin sentimentality, many weaken when it comes to Valentine’s Day. And it’s a proven fact that all that fresh air and exercise make fly fishers (of both sexes) horny vigorous and alive, much more so than non-fishing members of the population.

Perhaps that explains why, in the seven years that we’ve been posting the Friday Feast (beginning on what was Best Fly Fishing Yellowstone back in the day), invariably I’ve received at least one email on or before Valentine’s Day (some jesting, some not) asking about the myths surrounding aphrodisiac foods.

We’ve all heard about the supposedly mythical powers of oysters (packed with zinc, which does raise sperm and testosterone production) and the phallic symbolism of bananas and asparagus has been giggled over for centuries.

But the ‘foods that put you in the mood’ list also includes almonds, avocado, basil, chocolate (of course), arugula, garlic, eggs (raw actually), beer (wonder if it’s the beer goggles effect), chile peppers, peaches, honey, and red wine. And don’t forget pomegranate juice, called liquid viagra by some, for it’s purported ability to raise testosterone levels by 30%.

Oh, and by the way, figs are on the list too, hence today’s Figs with Bacon and Goat Cheese offering. (Bacon is probably an aphrodisiac for most men and a few women we know as well…)

So go ahead, bow to tradition and buy your chocolates and flowers today. We’ve done that as well, though we’re putting our money on ‘foods that put you in the mood’ – and not just the figs and honey here (chile peppers, arugula, basil, garlic, and more – some of us need all the help we can get…).

6 slices hardwood smoked, artisanal bacon
12 small to medium sized figs, halved lengthwise
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar, reduced to 2 tbsp. (don’t have to reduce, but better)
1/3 cup fresh goat cheese (see note above)
Honey to taste

Make a little bacon magic. Cook the bacon over medium heat until just beginning to brown, remove from the pan, drain, then cut each slice into 4 pieces.

While the bacon is sizzling, preheat the oven to 350.

Paint the figs. Arrange the figs on a baking sheet, cut side up, and paint with the reduced balsamic vinegar. Note: you surely don’t have to reduce the vinegar, but it adds a bit more punch to the flavors if you do. Top each fig with a piece of the bacon and a bit of the goat cheese.

To the oven. Slide the figs into the oven and bake for 6-8 minutes until the figs are nice and warm; the bacon just might begin to sizzle again. The goat cheese actually doesn’t melt but may begin to caramelize a bit.

Sweeten things up. Pull from the oven and drizzle with a thin steam of honey – make it lavender honey for Valentine’s Day today. Serve pronto.
