Utah Stream Access Rally at the Capitol 11 February

by Mark McGlothlin on January 20, 2014

in Access and Public Lands


The Utah Stream Access Coalition is wisely starting what appears to be a well thought out campaign to draw the public’s (fickle) attention to HB37 – the compromise legislation that’s been proposed to address concerns of both Utah’s landowners and the recreating public.

Access issues are very near and dear to us and we’d encourage any and all who feel the same to chime in on this one; there’s a rally coming up on the 11th of February at the Utah Capitol that needs to see a huge turnout. (Ask your buddies in Montana how effective a rally at the Capitol can be.)

A friend asked me yesterday ‘why do even give a sh*t anymore, you don’t live there and haven’t fished in Utah in over a year?’ The answer is very simple – ANY encroachment of recreational stream and water access is a loss for all fishermen and river enthusiasts in the country, particularly if privatization oriented groups are encouraged by restrictions passed in neighboring states that leads to further restrictions and loss of access in other locations.

We have a lot of friends in Utah as well, and I cut my fly fishing teeth there on the Upper Provo now nearly 30 years ago.

Finally, greedy bastards curtailing previously established access just pisses me off.

More to come as the battle heats up in Utah this Spring; kudos to USAC for pulling together media materials and leading the charge down there.
