So, About Those Trout Popping Up Everywhere…

by Jess McGlothlin on February 11, 2013

in Women in Fly Fishing


Life’s funny. No matter what happens, no matter how wild and weird circumstances are, somehow there’s always some little irony, some little “funny” thing that happens to twist what’s expected on its head.

Most recently that twist came in the form of an email from the team up at HeadHunters fly shop up on Montana’s Missouri River. Arguably one of the best fly shops – certainly the best in terms of media presence – I’ve followed the HH crew for quite a while, and am a huge fan of their innovative, fresh outlook in a sport that, at times, can be a bit stagnant.

So when John emailed and asked if I’d be interested in applying to help out in the shop in the coming season, quiet little life in Pinedale was rather turned upside down.

Added to the convulsion is the fact that the two newspapers here in Pinedale are merging – in a rather underhanded fashion – effectively doubling my workload and not allowing for much freelance work.

And, to top it off, in the same week an offer came in from a Montana newspaper for me to come in as a full-on editor.

FGP_SubySo, yeah, it’s been a rather insane few weeks.

After much deliberation, the trout won out… as they somehow tend to do.

Fire Girl freelance business is picking up, and this week I’ve added several incredible new clients, including April Vokey / FlyGal Ventures and am in negotiation for several sponsors. Things are coming together.

The lure of eight months spent on one of the country’s top fisheries, working with some of the best people in the business, won out over the security of a 9 to 5-er. It was a tough decision – warring between the “oh, I’m 25, I need to settle down” and the urge of the unknown, of something new to learn, something new to explore, and something new to photograph.

Life’s short, and there is far too much to see out in the world.

So, that said, I’ll be leaving Sublette County at the end of this month – staying to help the paper through the (already bumpy) transition, then am heading out to Seattle for DSLR video training before moving to the Mo.

I’ve rented a tiny little studio in Cascade, two blocks from the water. I’ll be living on a Cabela’s cot and my only “furniture” is a balance ball and a folding table. Fish camp indeed.

Lots to do, lots to juggle, and I know the next month (and, hell, the whole season) is going to be a sprint.
And, honestly, it feels really good. I’m realizing I’m really not meant for the “average” job, and am honored and thrilled to be joining the HeadHunters crew.

So, onward. Adventures (and rather large trout) lie ahead!